Code of Ethics for a Film Therapist (Cinema Therapist)

The Code was developed and approved by the non-governmental organization «Institute of Directed Film Therapy and Film Training» in 2019. This is the first document that defines the ethical standards of using audiovisual series in psychotherapy, counselling, training, coaching and facilitative practice, film therapy teaching and research activities.

The developers of this code assume that:

– f
ilm therapy (cinema therapy) is a direction of psychotherapy which includes a system of methods based on the ways of working with human reactions received during and after watching a film and aimed at spiritual and mental healing;

– directed film therapy is a system of methods that contribute to the client’s spiritual and mental healing and help acquire the necessary knowledge and skills in the course of work with reactions received before, during and after watching movies, cartoons, shows, clips and any other audiovisual series;

– aaudiovisual series – a work which consists of a fixed series of interconnected images with or without accompanying sound, e.g. films, cartoons, shows, clips, amateur videos, etc.

– the use of audiovisual series in psychotherapy, counselling, training, coaching, facilitative practice, film therapy teaching and research activities requires special training;

– adherence to ethical standards is important for all professionals who use audiovisual series in their work with clients/patients: film therapists, cinema therapists, psychologists, psychotherapists, consultants, trainers, facilitators, coaches and instructors of training groups (hereinafter the specialists who use audiovisual series).

General provisions

This Code of Ethics has been developed for the following purposes:
– to define ethical standards of using audiovisual series in counselling, psychotherapeutic, training, coaching, facilitative practice, film therapy teaching and research activities;
– inform film therapists (cinema therapists) and other professionals who use audiovisual series in their work with clients/patients about the need to follow professional ethics;
– warn about the danger of deviations from the ethical standards of using audiovisual series in their professional activity;
– protect the client/patient from the unethical use of audiovisual series by film therapists (cinema therapists), psychotherapists, consultants, trainers, facilitators, coaches and instructors of training groups.

Ethical standards of film therapy

Ethical standards of film therapy (cinema therapy) are a common system of rules and obligations of a film therapist (cinema therapist) and other professionals who use audiovisual series to clients/patients and colleagues. Ethical standards imply obligations to act in accordance with the ethics of film therapy (cinema therapy) in professional activity and encourage colleagues and students’ ethical behavior.

Professional competence and development

1. The use of audiovisual series in counselling, psychotherapy, training, coaching, facilitative practice, film therapy teaching, research activities and leading the training groups is only allowed on the basis of education and special training in accordance with educational and professional standards in this field.

2. A film therapist (cinema therapist) or any other specialist who uses audiovisual series in counselling, psychotherapeutic, training, coaching, facilitative practice, film therapy teaching and research activities:
– provides only professionally competent assistance and is aware of the limits of his own competence;
– uses the audiovisual series within the limits of his own competence, relying on his education, special training and professional experience;
– strives to acquire necessary knowledge and skills in order to use audiovisual series in work with clients or patients;
– refrains from the use of audiovisual series in cases when, for any reason, a client or patient might be harmed;
– constantly monitors his ability to carry out professional activity. In uncertain and difficult situations, he asks more experienced colleagues for supervision and advice;
– contributes to the protection of the professional community and society in general from the incompetent use of audiovisual series in work with clients or patients.

3. Reflection, introspection, seeking supervision and advice from more experienced colleagues when difficulties arise are important for the professional development of specialists who use audiovisual series in their work with clients and patients.


1. A film therapist (cinema therapist) or any other specialist who uses audiovisual series in work with clients and patients respects confidentiality. He does not discuss the information received from the client or patient outside the therapeutic, counselling, supervisory and educational contexts. Any presentation of the case in writing must be approved by the client or patient.

Respect for the client or patient

1. A film therapist (cinema therapist) or any other specialist who uses audiovisual series in counselling, psychotherapy, training, coaching, facilitative practice, film therapy teaching and research activities:
– is aware of his own values, attitudes and stereotypes, and respects the client’s or patient’s personal values and cultural background;
– does not use audiovisual series in his work in order to impose specific views, thoughts or actions on the client or patient;
– does not use audiovisual series in his work to discriminate against the client or patient;
– gives honest and direct answers to the client’s or patient’s questions about his professional training and work experience, correctly names his specialization, indicates qualifications and services offered.

2. In cases where clients or patients are children and adolescents, age restrictions for viewing are taken into account when using audiovisual series.

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