A unique method of psychotherapeutic work with a client using audiovisual series (films, cartoons, clips, shows)

Sergey Krasin
The author of the method: Sergey Krasin

Directed film therapy is a system of methods that contribute to the client’s spiritual and mental healing and help acquire the necessary knowledge and skills in the course of work with the reactions received before, during and after watching movies, cartoons, shows, clips and any other audiovisual series.

The official representative – non-governmental organization «Institute of Directed Film Therapy and Film Training».

Every year we accept applications for training in the following areas:
– directed film training;
– directed film coaching;
– counselling by the method of directed film therapy;
– directed film therapy.

Training sessions are held both face-to-face and online. It is also possible to study according to the individual training program.

The right to certify specialists in directed film therapy and directed film training belongs to

  • the author of the method Sergey Krasin;
  • non-governmental organization “Institute of Directed Film Therapy and Film Training”.

Only the author of the method and specialists who have been trained as therapists or trainers have the right to conduct seminars and workshops.

What makes the program unique

The uniqueness of the program lies in the fact that video clips and full-length films are used in work with a client according to specially developed algorithms (director’s strategies) of directed film therapy.

How to take the training

Our project is open to everyone.You can complete the full training program in directed film therapy or choose only those areas that interest you the most: directed film training, directed film coaching or counselling by the method of directed film therapy.


Basic training program:

  • directed film training;
  • directed film coaching;
  • counselling by the method of directed film therapy;
  • directed film therapy.

Are you planning to take the training?


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